Saturday 10 June 2017

Movie with popcorn

Last night was movie night with our neighbours. We watched Beauty and the Beast on a big plasma screen while munching on popcorn. I used to go to movie theatres frequently and as you can tell from the time the Beauty and the Beast movie was released, I’ve been behind with movie watching by at least three months!

I enjoyed everything about this movie, from the music, singing, dancing, to the animations and costumes. Emma Watson is a talented and pretty actress. And the happy ending of the story is a nice start to my weekend! Sometimes I just want happy entertainment, nothing scary or serious.

I looked up some stats about this movie. Did you know that Beauty and the Beast is the world’s 10th-highest-grossing film of all time? That’s a lot of money generated. I hope some of it will go to a good cause to make our world a better place.

Speaking of weekend, we’ve had a warm and sunny stretch of weather for a few days now. The trees and flowers seem to explode overnight so I’ll be outside enjoying the sunshine and the natural beauty around me.  

My plans for the weekend:
  • Take online Spanish lessons
  • Swim on Saturday
  • Walk or run 5K on Sunday
  • Get a haircut
  • Grocery shopping for the week
  • General home clean up
  • Do weekend picnics with my family

How about you? Any big plan for your weekend? Have a fun weekend wherever you are!



  1. We used to go to a movie every Friday no matter what. But with increasing box office prices and concessions...what's a movie without popcorn?...we've slowed down considerably. I like getting a $4.00 bucket of popcorn and watching a movie at home.

    I liked B&B but probably liked the animated version as well. Have a productive week.

  2. You're right about the ridiculous box office prices and concessions. We switched to daytime matinees at some point for reduced ticket price and less people in the audience. Then we've got busy and unless the movie has outstanding reviews, we just don't go.
