Friday, 20 July 2018

Summer fun list update #1

Greetings! It's been about four weeks since I posted my summer fun list. Today I'm doing a quick check-in to review my progress. 

My Summer Fun List Update #1 (June 21-July 20):

1. Visit farmers' markets, local parks, or beaches: In progress. Since June 21, I've made three visits to farmers' markets, and spent time at the local parks or beaches almost every day. This summer has been hot, hot, hot which makes going to a park or a beach a welcome relief.

2. Attend summer festivals: In progress. I've attended three summer festivals in four weeks. I think that just shows how many fun events are out there. Two of them were in Toronto (HTO Wave Pendulum, Barbados on the Water) and one was in Quebec City (Festival d'été de Québec).

3. Go to outdoor concerts: In progress. Some of the outdoor concerts were individual shows, and some were parts of the three music festivals that I mentioned in #2 above. I attended four separate performances by Mike Branton, Amanda Rheaum, Elan Trotman, and Jordan John. All of them were excellent.

4. Watch new-to-me movies: In (slower) progress. I attempted to watch three movies but only saw one comedy, I Feel Pretty, in its entirety. I enjoyed Amy Schumer's acting in the movie.

5. View art exhibitions: In progress. I saw plenty of beautiful arts and architecture in Quebec City, plus three art exhibitions in Toronto. I'll write about a number of fun outdoor art installations that I saw in my next post. Hope you'll return to my blog to check it out.

6. Enjoy BBQ gatherings with my extended family: In progress. We enjoyed one family BBQ gathering in June. We have another BBQ scheduled this month. Good food, good company in good weather, what's not to love?

7. Meet up with friends in Quebec City in July: Completed! We had a wonderful time in Quebec City. I wrote a post about the trip and included some photos here.

Le Château Frontenac hotel, Quebec City

8. Celebrate my cousin's wedding in Paris, France in August: Pending. I look forward to this trip. I'm also planning a side excursion from Paris.

My summer has been full of fun activities so far. I look forward to enjoying the rest of the season.

How are things going with you? What good things happened? I'd love to hear your comments.


  1. I too am enjoying my summer, despite the fact that I've done almost nothing of what you've got on your list. But then that's the beautiful thing about summer, and retirement, isn't it? Pleasure comes in so many different forms and we can access as we wish!
    Oh, I stand corrected. Farmers' markets every Saturday - heading there soon - and lots of new to me movies.
    Something I've been wondering about Natalie - Do you wake up every morning and think, "Hm, what do I feel like doing today?" or do you plan your week or month in advance?

    1. Hi Karen - I'm glad you're enjoying summer. I made a list to have something to look forward to but I actually don't book anything in advance unless I must. For example, my cousin's wedding is a fixed date so I booked my air tickets. This morning I woke up and had nothing booked for the day. I usually start with my morning walk then go from there. If I don't do anything else, at least I get my walk done and have some time outdoor enjoying nature. Have a great weekend!

  2. Wow, you've been busy Natalie! It sounds like a good time. Our local farmer's market opens next weekend. I'm looking forward to attending; it's on my bucket list. I love the summertime and am at our cabin now looking out at the beautiful scenery. Probably time to put the computer away and get out in it. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

    1. So nice that you have a cabin with beautiful scenery, Christie. Yes, go out and enjoy summer. I did my walk this morning and it was terrific.

  3. You have been really busy Natalie. It's been super hot in Ontario as well? We are having all the crazy storms here in Sk lately, but I am happy for the warmer weather.

    1. Hi Dani - We had a long heat wave the first week of July and mostly warm and humid days since. We haven't had much rain and when it came, it was brief and severe. I'm enjoying summer and the outdoor fun. Looks like you and your family are, too. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Looks like you've been doing a lot of fun things this summer! That's awesome. I can't believe it's almost August. How crazy!! I hope you have a great time in Paris. I'd love to go there someday!


    1. Thanks, Lauren, for stopping by. July has been great. Hope you'll have fun celebrating your blogoversary in August.

  5. So many cultural aspects to your daily life, on top of the exercise and travel. You lead a busy, yet qualitative and fulfilling life, Natalie! Enjoy your trip to Paris in August, and the rest of your summer!

    Mark and I had a busy family weekend and will start our own lives in a few days.

    1. Thank you, Liesbet, for your kind words. I look forward to reading about your upcoming adventures. Although my departure to Paris is still a few weeks away, I'm enjoying the anticipation :)

    2. The anticipation is great, and half of the fun. :-) I figured I’d wish you a good trip and not forget, since I plan a blogging break in August.

    3. Count down to August! Enjoy the anticipation of your break :)

  6. I have just discovered a new farmer's market here and you have inspired me to try it next weekend. Hope I can find some zucchini and squash half as pretty as yours!

    How fabulous that you will be enjoying family BBQs more than once this season. I wish my family lived close enough to come over now and then for family gatherings.

    Doing this bucket lists make me more aware of the variety of activities available for free or minimum charges. There's always something fun to enjoy!

    1. Please try your farmer's market and let me know how it goes. I'm grateful that my family is close and we get together about monthly. I agree with you that there's always something fun for free or at low cost to enjoy. We just need to seek them out. Thanks, Leslie, for hosting the seasonal list link up.
