Sunday, 12 August 2018

Making happiness happen

Greetings! I went for a 5K run this morning and wanted to share what's making me happy:

I had written a A to L fun post back in May, so just for fun I jotted down a list of twelve simple things, from M to Z, minus X and Z, that I plan to do in the next ten days to continue making happiness happen for me:
  1. Meet my friends to go to a farmers' market.
  2. Nap one afternoon when I feel like it.
  3. Open and re-read a comic book we have at home.
  4. Pick up a gift for my cousin's wedding.
  5. Quick packing for my upcoming trip.
  6. Ride the ferry to Centre Island on a weekday when there is no crowd. 
  7. Share unhurried coffee chat time with my husband.
  8. Take photos of what makes me feel happy.
  9. Undertake to plan another discovery walk. The previous one was fun.
  10. View wildlife and sailboats by the harbour.
  11. Write a happy birthday card to a relative.
  12. Yoga practice every other day.
That's it from me. I hope you're making happiness happen for yourself each day.


  1. I love the fact that happiness can be these little moments of joy. For me it's something you feel as a product of something you're doing. Have a great week.

    1. We have the power to create little moments of joy, most are free or low cost, each day. Thanks, Jo, for stopping by. You have a great week, too.

  2. Great list, Natalie. You could add:
    • Be xenodochial.
    • Zen out!

  3. I'm just jealous that you got to go on a 5k run! I'm still trundling back from injury. I love the great shots you can get while you're out on a run.

    1. Sorry to hear you had an injury. Hope you recover fully so you can get back to enjoy running.

  4. Flowers, sailboats and beaches would be high on my list of things that make me happy are afternoon naps and comic book. Love your happiness task list. You get what you focus on.

    1. Wise words 'You get what you focus on'! Thanks, Lisa, for stopping by.

  5. Flowers and a peaceful shoreline... yep, that would make me pretty happy! Great list: it truly is the simple things.

    1. Simple things are abundant. We just need to pay attention. Thanks, Janis, for stopping by.

  6. #2!!! I need to join you on that random day nap sometime this month!

    SSG xxx

    1. I don't nap often but when I do, it's bliss. A long run will make it easy to nap. Enjoy the recharge!

  7. Hi Natalie, thank you! I needed to read your post today and remember that we can find happiness anywhere. This is actually a fun but helpful exercise to do. Maybe we should make it a monthly link up like Wellness Wednesday???? Have a HAPPY week xx

    1. You're welcome, Sue. Hope your day is getting much better. I'm in for a monthly Happiness link-up whenever you're ready. You have a HAPPY week, too.

    2. Hi Natalie, lovely to have you join us at #MLSTL spreading the happiness :)

    3. Thank you, Sue, for hosting and building a fabulous blogging community.

  8. I see a couple of bucket list things on that list! Way to kill two birds with one stone. I love the idea that Sue shared about doing a monthly happiness link up as I am pursuing happiness/contentment, too!!!

    1. Thanks, Leslie, for sharing your thoughts. Let's connect with Sue to see how we can make the happiness link up happen :)

  9. I love your list of simple but pleasurable things to do! As soon as I finish moving, I want to make a list of simple but fun things. We have been working hard and deserve some fun moments.

    1. Take it easy after your move, Michele, and then yes, go for the simple fun. I like simple things that can easily be done and bring us joy.

  10. I love that -- make happiness happen. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. #MLSTL

    1. No need to wait, we can make happiness happen. Thanks, Christie, for your comment.

  11. Lovely photos Natalie - and your 12 things to do list sounds quite achievable and has lots of variety - you are such an inspiration for getting up and getting on with life!
    #MLSTL :)

    1. Thank you, Leanne, for your kind words. I love simple fun things that are easy to remember and easy to achieve.

  12. It IS the little things...and the little timeouts and noticing nature that count. Lovely post! Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is My Hairstyle History. Denyse

    1. Thank you, Denyse, for hosting and for your kind comment. Nature is amazing and beautiful. We just need to notice.

  13. Great photos and fab ideas on making happiness happen Natalie. I love your simple list and it’s something I need to look at in the coming days. #mlstl

    1. Thank you, Debbie, for your kind words. Even in sad times, we can make happiness happen in a simple way or in small dosage.

  14. Your photos are so pretty I love the flowers at the top. Great list of fun things to do. Everyday offers bits of happiness if you look for them.

    1. Thank you, Victoria, for your comment. I agree with your last sentence.

  15. A wonderful reminder of the little things each day that can bring joy. And fun to do it ala an A to Z. I'm also thinking a nap in the upcoming weeks would be a fun thing to do.

    1. Thank you, Pat, for your comment. I don't nap often but when I do, it's a bliss to fall asleep peacefully and wake up feeling refreshed. I encourage other adults to do it :)

  16. Fabulous photos! Looked like an ideal day for a 5k run :)

    1. Thank you, Molly, for stopping by. It was a beautiful day. I was happy to be outdoors. The endorphins from my run may have something to do with it :)

  17. Those pretty flowers and the harbour view would also make me extremely happy. It really does lift your spirits to be out in the great outdoors daily. #TeamLovinLife

    1. Thanks, Kathy, for stopping by. I'll be outdoors again today, another beautiful day.

  18. Hi Natalie,
    Glad to see that you find happiness in small things around you.
    That is the way to go. I too follow that principle.
    One of the things I plan to do is to write a handwritten letter to a friend, at least once a month, if not twice. Because, when once I wrote a letter to my friend, I was happy and satisfied.
    Good wishes.
    Pradeep |

    1. Thank you, Pradeep, for your comment. Your friend will be happy to receive your letter. Good wishes to you.

  19. Very nice. Very cool that you can find happiness all around you. Thanks for sharing it. #TeamLovinLife

    1. Thanks, Patrick, for your comment. Hope you make happiness happen for you, too.

  20. Okay, THIS is what I need to do because I become really focussed on the negative and even things that are kinda fun I see as chores or things I HAVE to do, rather than opportunities. #teamlovinlife

    1. Thanks, Deborah, for stopping by. Focusing on the positives is a lot more fun and feel much lighter than the negatives. Hope you're making happiness happen today.

  21. I love your flowers and nature photographs Natalie. Those are the kind of things that make me happy too! I also love that you plan for happiness. Such a good idea! :-) #TeamLovinLife

    1. Thank you, Min, for your comments. I'm happy with my summer so far and want to do my part to continue my happiness :)

  22. Happiness really is a choice.
    Thanks for the Y reminder. Need to go and book my kids and I into yoga. Going to make it a family affair

    1. Make yoga a family activity is a great idea, Leanne. Enjoy the balance, flexibility, and strength that you'll gain from yoga.

  23. Lovely post and such a great idea! I love the thought of an A-Z of things that make me happy! Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the negative.

    1. Thank you, Tracy, for your visit and comment. Positive thinking makes me feel lighter and doing A to Z is fun.
