Thursday, 6 September 2018

August in a nutshell

Greetings! August seemed to have gone by in a flash. I was at home for the first three weeks then went to France. I had a fabulous time in Paris, so much fun and social eating that whatever I did at home before my trip became a blur. Fortunately, I did take some quick notes and can expand on them for this blog post.

Without further ado, here's my August in a nutshell:

FITNESS - I got all my regular exercises in while at home, i.e. walking, gym, yoga, and 5K run. This was a preemptive strike as I knew I'd be eating a lot more on my trip to France. During my stay in Paris, I didn't have access to a gym so I did more walking, taking stairs, using my body weight, yoga, and running at a nearby park.

ENTERTAINMENT - Three seems to be the magic number for most of the four entertainment types that I enjoyed in August:
  • 3 visits to the outdoor farmers' markets
  • 3 outdoor music performances by Amai Kuda & Y Josephine, Rufus John, and Ryan McNally.
  • 1 outdoor summer Small World Music Festival
  • 3 movies (Overboard, Life of the Party, and Avengers: Infinity War)

ARTS - In August, I checked out a new art exhibit titled Alternate Perspectives in Toronto. While in France, I visited the village Auvers-Sur-Oise where Vincent Van Gogh painted seventy eight pictures. I also did plenty of walking in Paris to enjoy the city's beautiful architecture.

SOCIAL - August was a really social and happy month for me. I had one family BBQ gathering, one family outing with bike rides on Centre Island, five coffee dates, and one lunch date with my friends in Toronto. While in Paris, my relatives either took me out or organized family meals with a lot of delicious food.

My cousin's wedding was beautiful. The weather was perfect on her big day. The wedding reception started with champagne, wine, or beer, assorted appetizers, followed by a sit-down, multi-course dinner, before a cheese buffet and a dessert buffet. We're a fun-loving and humourous bunch so there was constant chatting and laughing.

While I enjoyed social time in real life, I only wrote five posts on my blog in August, the lowest number of posts per month this year. Ah, something got to give!

TRAVEL - I had a fabulous time in Paris, France and plan to write in more details with photos once I sort them out. I re-visited the iconic sights in Paris like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and more. We took a side trip to Auvers-sur-Oise which I mentioned here.

Overall, August was an excellent month for me. I look forward to enjoying the rest of the summer. It looks like I'm checking off all items on my summer fun list.

How was August for you? What good things happened? I'd love to hear your comments.


  1. Your month sounds lovely - particularly the time in France. Like you, I also had a family wedding which was blessed with fine weather and was a wonderful day.

    1. Glad you had a great August, Gail. Enjoy September!

  2. It's always so joyous to travel and see other sights!!! I can't wait to read about it!!

    1. Thanks, Jodie, for stopping by. I'll sort out my photos and write about my stay in Paris. Have a fabulous September!

  3. Your Paris trip sounds wonderful! I visited Paris the last time about 30 years ago. It's time to go back soon!

    1. Yes, plan to go soon. Paris is my happy place as I have family there, and the city is beautiful.

  4. Oh Lala! Paris c'est magnifique! Ok that's about all the French I remember from high school though I did have a great time visiting. As much as I loved seeing the Eiffel tower and all the famous landmarks in Paris my favorite part of the trip was visiting the Loire Valley.

    1. The Loire Valley and the castles are beautiful. France has a lot to offer to its visitors. Thank you for your comment. I greatly appreciate it.

  5. Wow, three weeks in France sound magnificent! I am so impressed with your commitment to fitness too.

    1. Thanks, Juhli, for stopping by. I tried to keep unwanted weight gain at bay, LOL. All the croissants, baguette, cheeses, wine, macarons, etc. were hard to resist.

  6. I always enjoy your SaD posts, Natalie and you would have had a wonderful time in France. We are kindred spirits with travelling and keeping fit. Have a lovely weekend and I wonder what September will bring?
    Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

    1. Thank you, Sue, for stopping by. Blogging is wonderful as we can share our interests even though we live in opposite hemispheres. Have a fabulous weekend!

    2. That is a positive about blogging isn't it Natalie. It is a little like having a pen friend and sharing our lives with each other. Thanks for sharing your August with us at #MLSTL and being part of our community. Enjoy the rest of your week.
      Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

    3. Thank you, Sue, for hosting #MLSTL. I'll see you at Wellness Wednesday link up. Have a fabulous week!

  7. And I thought that my August was busy! Sounds like you had a very enjoyable and action packed summer. Your Paris trip sounds amazing.

    1. Hi Donna - It's the enjoyable and happiness-induced type of busy :) I think Paris to me is like Singapore to you (and soon to be England?). Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. Of all the places I've been, Paris will have my heart forever. How wonderful for you to return there, Natalie, and for such a happy occasion!

    Planning to be back on track with SaD come October- it's been a challenging few months!

    1. Nice to hear from you, Tamara. Paris is like my second home and happy place. Enjoy your travels this month! I look forward to your SaD in October.

  9. Your August sounds amazing, a healthy mix of all things good, social and fun. I'm glad you had such a nice time with family, relatives and friends. Those moments sure cheer up any time.

    I really like Vincent Van Gogh's art, so I'm a tad envious at your visit to Auvers-Sur-Oise. And, I'm sure you collected a lot of kilometers just strolling around the city. Steps add up fast doing that!

    1. Hi Liesbet - August was excellent and to end it in Paris with my family was simply amazing.

      Auvers-Sur-Oise is a pretty village. I think you'll enjoy it since you like Van Gogh's art and can see the exact landmarks that he painted.

      It was a pleasure to stroll in Paris. There was one fine day when I walked for about 8 hours, except one lunch break, and I loved it because I got to re-visit all the sights I like in Paris at my pace.

  10. August does read like an excellent month for you. While I would be uncomfortable with all of the social activities, it seems that you truly enjoy it. So happy for you to have been with family in France, that your cousin's wedding was lovely. A cheese buffet? Sounds like a bit of heaven on earth. I might even socialize if I knew there would be a cheese and dessert buffet!

    1. I was with my family and friends so I really enjoyed all the social events in August. The cheese buffet and dessert buffet were delicious. Of course, good wine and champagne went well with them. It was quite a feast :)

  11. Fun times Natalie! Glad you enjoyed it. We had house sits in NYC and Connecticut. Also had fun rocking out my online bit, blogging and promoting my eBook. Enjoyable month for sure. Rocking post and blog :)


    1. Thanks, Ryan, for your visit and comment. Sounds like you had a fun and productive August. Enjoy September!

  12. It sounds like you are doing life right! I hope to go to France in the spring, so I look forward to your future posts!

    1. France in the spring sounds terrific, Michele. Paris is still beautiful. I was glad to be there last month. Thank you for dropping by.

  13. Shared on Twitter, Pinterest and Google+.

  14. Sounds like a fantastic August! I look forward to seeing more photos of my favorite city in the world :)

    1. August was excellent for me, Molly. I'll sort out my photos and do a post or two :) Thank you for stopping by.

  15. Sounds like someone had a wonderful August. Hope that your September is as good. #MLSTL

    1. Thank you, Patrick, for stopping by. My September is off to a great start. Hope yours is super, too.

  16. So great you had a good August and spent time with family in France. We were quite close - I was with family in Devon, South West England during August!

    1. Thanks, Jo, for stopping by. I hope you had a fabulous time with family in Devon. Have a great week!

  17. It sounds like you had a great month Natalie - and I really hope you're going to post some wedding photos as well as the scenic snaps from Paris - I love weddings! #MLSTL and shared on my SM

    1. My cousin's wedding was beautiful and joyous. There were some tears of joy and a lot of laughter. Thanks, Leanne, for hosting #MLSTL. Have a great week!

  18. Your August sounds packed full--and wonderful. What a great way to finish up the summer. Here's to an amazing fall!

    1. Thank you, Christie, for stopping by. August was fab. To close it off in Paris with my family was awesome. September is off to a great start so far. Hope your September is amazing!
